Opening hours

8:00 - 12:00 • 14:00 - 18:00

(+39) 0172.377167

Via Costigliole, 4
Fr. Cavallotta

12038 Savigliano (CN) Italy

DRC bed former with double rotor

strong version
for tractors from 80 to 120 HP
working width from 145 to 210 cm

DRC bed former with double rotor

DRC bed former with double rotor

Bed former with double rotor DRC at work

Bed former with double rotor DRC at work

DRC bed former with double rotor

DRC bed former with double rotor

Bed former with double rotor DRC at work

Bed former with double rotor DRC at work


Working principle

The front rotor works the soil in depth using the FRANGITER system: 6 special blades break up the clods from 10-25 cm depth without compacting the bottom layer like the traditional milling machines. The back rotor uses tools made in special steel welded on a tube of large diameter that turns in the opposite direction and, thanks to the high rotation speed, breaks the surface clods, sends the big clods to the front rotor, levels the soil and lightly presses its top.


Results obtained with the CULTI-MASSANO system:

  • Proper water drainage.
  • Proper humidity distribution for the plants.
  • Reduction of germination’s time.
  • Increase of production’s yields.
  • Perfect preparation of the soil for sowing or transplanting.


Standard Equipment

  • 3-Point linkage cat. 1°-2°.
  • Single speed gearbox with 540 rpm PTO.
  • Side transmission through reinforced chain type ASA 120 HE 1” 1/2 for milling rotor.
  • Side transmission through reinforced chain type ASA 100 HE 1” 1/4 for rear rotor.
  • N°6 Grader blades each flange Frangiter type 60x10 mm.
  • Double frame made with special steel IMEX 700.
  • Rear rotor Ø 360 mm – Tips made with special steel Hardox 400.
  • Rear bed former shaper with adjustable manual jacks.
  • Rear wheels with adjustable manual jacks.
  • Front discs conveyor ploughs.
  • Cardan shaft with safety bolt.
  • "CE" Safety guards.


DRC bed former with double rotor - Massano agricultural machinery


  • Bed former with double rotor DRC at work

    DRC bed former with double rotor

    DRC bed former with double rotor

    Bed former with double rotor DRC at work

    Bed former with double rotor DRC at work

    Massano s.n.c. - agricultural machinery

    Massano s.n.c. - agricultural machinery

    Bed former with double rotor strong version

    Bed former with double rotor strong version

    Massano - DRC bed former with double rotor

    Massano - DRC bed former with double rotor

    Bed former with double rotor - Massano

    Bed former with double rotor - Massano

    Massano s.n.c. - agricultural machinery

    Massano s.n.c. - agricultural machinery

    DRC bed former with double rotor

    DRC bed former with double rotor

    Bed former with double rotor DRC at work

    Bed former with double rotor DRC at work

    Massano - DRC bed former with double rotor

    Massano - DRC bed former with double rotor

    Bed former with double rotor strong version

    Bed former with double rotor strong version

    Massano - DRC bed former with double rotor

    Massano - DRC bed former with double rotor

    Bed former with double rotor - Massano

    Bed former with double rotor - Massano

    Massano s.n.c. - agricultural machinery

    Massano s.n.c. - agricultural machinery

    Bed former with double rotor DRC at work

    Bed former with double rotor DRC at work

    DRC bed former with double rotor

    DRC bed former with double rotor

  • Download pdf technical file of DRC bed former with double rotor

    DRC bed former with double rotor - Massano agricultural machinery
    • Fertilizer spreader
    • Hydraulic rear roller
    • Ploughs for bed’s realisation
    • Hydraulic lift for seeding machine
    • Mulching machine

Massano designs and produces agricultural machienry

Designs and produces a wide range of agricultural machinery for agriculture, horticulture, gardening, vineyards and orchards.

+39 0172 377 167

Via Costigliole, 4 - Fr. Cavallotta
12038 Savigliano (CN) - Italy

Opening hours

Monday -
8:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00

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