Opening hours

8:00 - 12:00 • 14:00 - 18:00

(+39) 0172.377167

Via Costigliole, 4
Fr. Cavallotta

12038 Savigliano (CN) Italy

Stone burier with rear roller type EXTREME

fixed and folding
for tractors from 100 to 360 HP
working width from 145 to 600 cm


Built with a working width from 145 to 600 cm, required power from 100 to 360 HP and working depth from 15 to 38 cm. EXTREME stone burier can achieve a high quality result in extreme conditions without deforming the machine’s frame.

Designed to work in soils with stones that have a diameter bigger than 30 cm. Machine realized only on customers’ request.


Stone burier with rear roller type EXTREME - Massano s.n.c.

The side transmission is higher than the standard ones. For machines with working width from 145 to 210 cm the transmission is through reinforced chain while for machines with working width from 250 to 600 cm the transmission is by gears.

Stone burier with rear roller type EXTREME - Massano s.n.c.
Stone burier with rear roller type EXTREME - Massano s.n.c.

The distance between the two drive shafts is bigger than usual, this allows a greater space between the rotor and the frame. This system allows the EXTREME type to work in every condition with stones with diameter bigger than 30 centimetres.

Stone burier with rear roller type EXTREME - Massano s.n.c.



  • Stone burier with rear roller EXTREME at work

    Stone buriers with rear roller type EXTREME

    Stone buriers with rear roller type EXTREME

    Stone buriers with rear roller type EXTREME at work

    Stone buriers with rear roller type EXTREME at work

    Massano agricultural machinery - Stone buriers with rear roller

    Massano agricultural machinery - Stone buriers with rear roller

    Stone buriers with rear roller type EXTREME at work

    Stone buriers with rear roller type EXTREME at work

    Stone buriers with rear roller type EXTREME

    Stone buriers with rear roller type EXTREME

    Stone buriers with rear roller type EXTREME at work

    Stone buriers with rear roller type EXTREME at work

    Stone buriers with rear roller type EXTREME

    Stone buriers with rear roller type EXTREME

  • Stone burier with rear roller EXTREME at work

  • Download pdf technical file of Stone burier with rear roller EXTREME

    Stone burier with rear roller type EXTREME - Massano s.n.c.
  • Under construction.

Massano designs and produces agricultural machienry

Designs and produces a wide range of agricultural machinery for agriculture, horticulture, gardening, vineyards and orchards.

+39 0172 377 167

Via Costigliole, 4 - Fr. Cavallotta
12038 Savigliano (CN) - Italy

Opening hours

Monday -
8:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00

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