Opening hours

8:00 - 12:00 • 14:00 - 18:00

(+39) 0172.377167

Via Costigliole, 4
Fr. Cavallotta

12038 Savigliano (CN) Italy

Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

for tractors from 35 to 90 HP
working width from 105 to 185 cm

Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M - Massano s.n.c.

Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M - Massano s.n.c.

Built with a working width from 105 to 185 cm, required power from 35 to 90 HP and working depth from 15 to 22 cm. RSH-M model is used successfully in the preparation of green areas and in horticulture. Designed to work in light soils with stones that have a diameter from 10 to 20 cm.


Standard Equipment

  • 3-Point linkage cat.1°-2°.
  • Single speed gearbox with 540 rpm PTO.
  • Side transmission through reinforced chain Type ASA 100 HE.
  • 4 blades each flange type Rotostone.
  • Single frame made with special steel IMEX 700.
  • Rear and self- cleaned selection grill.
  • Rear bonnet adjustment with adjustable manual jacks.
  • Rear perforated metal roller Ø 290 mm (30 cm longer than the machine).
  • Pin and hole adjustment roller.
  • Cardan shaft with safety bolt.
  • "CE" Safety guards.



Massano agricultural machinery - Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M



  • Stone burier with rear roller RSH-M at work

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

    Massano s.n.c. - Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

    Massano s.n.c. - Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M for gardening

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M for gardening

    Massano - machines for horticulture

    Massano - machines for horticulture

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M at work

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M at work

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M created by Massano

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M created by Massano

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M for gardening

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M for gardening

    Massano - machines for horticulture

    Massano - machines for horticulture

    Massano s.n.c. - Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

    Massano s.n.c. - Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M at work

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M at work

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

    Massano - machines for horticulture

    Massano - machines for horticulture

    Massano s.n.c. - Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

    Massano s.n.c. - Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M for gardening

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M for gardening

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M created by Massano

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M created by Massano

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M at work

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M at work

  • Stone burier with rear roller RSH-M at work

  • Download pdf technical file of Stone burier with rear roller RSH-M

    Stone burier with rear roller type RSH-M - Massano s.n.c.
  • Under construction.

Massano designs and produces agricultural machienry

Designs and produces a wide range of agricultural machinery for agriculture, horticulture, gardening, vineyards and orchards.

+39 0172 377 167

Via Costigliole, 4 - Fr. Cavallotta
12038 Savigliano (CN) - Italy

Opening hours

Monday -
8:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00

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